31 December 2013

My 10 New Year's Resolutions

Can you believe 2014 is in less than 24 hours!? I've been compiling myself a list of resolutions for the new year like most people do, and these are the top 10 things I would like to improve on and acomplish in the coming year!

1. Exercise more
This one is a given. Nearly every person makes this a resolution after stuffing up on holiday goodies. I make this a resolution every single year and never have followed through. But this year, I'm going to get into an exercise routine, eat cleaner, and establish a healthier lifestyle overall so that I can reap the benefits now and for years to come. Doesn't mean I'm not going to indulge every once in a while, but I want to get to a point where when I do treat myself, I don't feel like crap after.

2. Take my makeup off every night
I have been really, really, really, really bad about this lately. It's surprising my skin is as good as it is, considering how often I sleep with day-old makeup still caked on my face. I want to make sure to start taking better care of my skin in general too, like daily moisturizing and always applying an eye cream.

3. Relax more
I would love to take the time to relax more often. Now, I’m not saying I never relax. I do all the time. But, I’m talking real secluded relaxation and time to myself. Like turning off my phone and computer so I can take a nice, long bubble bath or curl up with a good book. I think it would be really great for my mental health overall. 

4. DIY projects galore!
Like most girls, I'm a Pinterest crazy person! I pin sooo many awesome DIY projects that I would love to try and then never make time for myself to actually do them. So as a resolution, I would like to start planning some time for me to actually make things and get creative.

5. Wear clothes
I’m not saying that I’ve been naked for the past 21 years! But I have tons of really cute clothes that tend to go unloved, so one of my resolutions is to scour my closet and break out those pieces that haven’t seen the light of day in a while. I want to experiment with different outfit ideas that I just may not have thought of just yet! And the ones that don't get worn, will get donated to people who will use them more!

6. Try new makeup + hair styles
Similar to #5, I want to start experimenting with my makeup and hair a little more in order to break out of my straight hair, neutral eye shadow rut. So time to break out the purple eyeliner and curling wand and have a little fun! I’m going to make a point of trying something new at least once at week.

7. Indulge in more hobbies
Photography, crafts, precision shooting, fishing…I have a wide variety of hobbies that I love or new ones that I would like to try, so I’d like to take more time to do all of the things I love. One thing I have especially been dying to do is take my Nikon one day and explore my town, taking pictures of everything I see.

8. Soak up the sun
I am someone who is very fortunate to live less than 15 minutes from the beach. I am also someone who never takes advantage of this fact, which really is a shame. So I want to start spending some of my days off soaking up the sunrays and work on my tan. (With a little SPF, of course!) This could also be a great opportunity to partake in resolution #7!

9. Connect with old friends
In high school, I had a great little group of friends, but since college, we have all grown apart a little. It's really a shame because I don't live that far from any of them. So I want to make it a point to reconnect with them and spend time with them on weekends I have off.

10. Be happy
This is vague and frankly, I don't know how to explain it really. I think I just want to stop beating myself up about things I can't control, not let the little things get to me, and just enjoy this beautiful life that has been given to me.


I hope you have a happy and prosperous new year!

XO, Lizzie

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